
teatime_at_real_カバー(1200 × 630 px).png

イベントの概要と目的 / Event Summary & Objectives

TEATIME with Face2Faceは、主に博士課程学生を中心とした、大学院生のための学際交流イベントです。飲食をともにしながら自身の取り組みを発表し合い、ネットワーキングとコラボレーションを推進するための場です。


TEATIME with Face2Face is an interdisciplinary networking event primarily for doctoral students, but open to all graduate students. It is an occasion to present their research activities and promote networking and collaboration while enjoying foods and drinks.

In the future, we plan to gradually host sessions where participants can interact freely without any set theme, as well as sessions that are more focused on specific themes.


TEATIME with Face2Face #2 自己紹介編

大学院生向け交流イベント「TEATIME with Face2Face #1」を開催しました

参加申込みはこちら / Click here to apply


Registration will close on Tuesday the 31st, so please register as soon as possible.

TEATIME with Face2Face #7参加申込みフォーム



ぜひ研究室の先輩後輩や、友人などにも声をかけて一緒に参加してみてください。  We encourage you to ask your seniors and juniors in the laboratory and your friends to participate together.